Location: Cheyenne, WY
Year completed: 2010
PROJECT COST: $6 million
Over the past 30 years, our team has completed several projects for the Wyoming Air National Guard (WYANG), ranging from roof replacements and vehicle storage facilities, to 40,000 sq ft specialized tactical facilities.
In the final stages of the design process, this facility housed a total of 150 occupants from the 153rd Airlift Squadron, 30th Airlift Squadron, Life Support Group, and the Survival Equipment Shop. Prior to this design, these occupants/groups were located in various facilities around the base; with this design, said occupants were all grouped into one facility and located on the flight line.
The facility consists of two stories, with a total of approximately 38,200 sq ft. It provides space for its occupants to work on parachutes and flotation equipment (life rafts, life preservers, etc.), as well as perform repair and maintenance of fabric items. There’s also space for standardization and evaluation, flight planning, flight safety/records, life support, training, and wing operations. Additional functions performed in the building include planning/briefing, administration, Command Post (secure), and tactics and intelligence (secure).
The building was constructed with structural steel framing, CMU masonry (bearing and non-bearing), steel stud infill, exterior synthetic stucco (EIFS), TOP membrane roofing and standing seam metal roofing.
The final design process was completed in July of 2009 and put out to bid for construction. After completion, the building obtained LEED Silver certification.